God, My Creator and Master

God, My Creator and Master

Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Have you ever looked up into a star-filled sky at night and been blown away by the immensity and bigness of what you see?  Our solar system alone is mind-boggling. The closest star, is how many light years away? Throw in the whole Milky Way. Add millions more of stars and do not forget that scientists believe there are more planets we have not yet discovered because we do not have the equipment to spot them. However, the very nature of how everything works with balanced precision speaks of a supremely intelligent and higher being than us!

The ancient, yet ever relevant Scriptures refers to that supremely intelligent being in this passage. These Scriptures simply introduce Him assuming the clear reality of His existence. “In the beginning God”, He is the Creator of all that exists and all areas of life come under His Lordship – family, government, business, education, recreation. Since He is the rightful Master over all, I as His child, have the opportunity; yes, even the responsibility to glorify Him in all of these.  So, nothing that I may be involved in is insignificant to Him. As you listen and sing to “Indescribable”, let His Spirit explode the reality of our creator and master in your heart and mind.

Read Psalm 145:3-7  (The Message Version)

3 God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough. There are no boundaries to his greatness.
4 Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts.
5 Your beauty and splendor have everyone talking; I compose songs on your wonders.
6 Your marvelous doings are headline news; I could write a book full of the details of your greatness.
7 The fame of your goodness spreads across the country; your righteousness is on everyone’s lips.

As you come to this time to have a personal conversation with God, does it not cause you to stand in awe that one who created a self-sustaining universe would care to spend private time with you. Use the model prayer our Lord taught both to pray and to use as a guide.

“Our Father who is in heaven, “Hallowed is your name, your kingdom come,your will be done, give us this day our daily bread,forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,lead us not into temptation, for yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever, Amen”.

This will serve as a guide for prayer throughout the remaining devotions.

Adoration – Father, I so appreciate you for giving me life. Pause and tell God all the things you appreciate about who he is and what he has done for you. Sometimes it is a good idea to write them down. Then when you are discouraged, you can look over them.

Intercession – I ask you to expand your kingdom by opening opportunities for me to share my faith at work, school, in the neighborhood… Take a few minutes to pray for people you know who do not know Christ.

Submission – I surrender my will to yours in the area of how I speak to my family members… Take some time to reflect on the truth that God is master over all and allow His Spirit to speak to you concerning any area your in your heart, surrender that to God now and determine to ask other believers to pray with you.

Petition -   I ask you to provide today…Lord, help me have your attitude about my classes and the preparation that they require…Take some time to pray over some of the needs that you and your family members have.

Confession and Forgiveness –I confess that I have neglected your word and have been lazy about spending time with you… Take some time to allow God’s Spirit to convict your heart of things you may have done that are displeasing to Christ… Now, take those things to Him and ask His forgiveness. Ask Him for the grace to avoid them, break the habits, etc.                 

Protection – Lord, I know I am weak when it comes to overeating and the devil beats on me when I give in, so help me listen to you and not yield to the temptation to eat for comfort… This is the preventative side of prayer. Proverbs says a wise man foresees evil and avoids it, but a fool goes on and is punished. Think of your weaknesses and pray for God’s protection.

Exultation- Lord, I rejoice in the truth that you have overcome the evil one and one day we will be in heaven with you where we will never sin again… Bask in the glory of God’s victory over Satan. Stand in the grace that has washed away your sin and written your name in the Book of Life.

Now what?

When you go home tonight or after the kids are in bed or while you are by yourself… get a sheet of paper. Write down furiously all the things that you have and appreciate. Now take a moment to remember what your dinner tasted like. Write that down. Now go outside. Take a few deep breaths, and then write down what you smelled. After you have finished writing, take the paper and across all the people and things write:” It’s all yours God. Today, tomorrow, and forever. Put that in whatever you use as a devotional book or your Bible and when you are having a rough time, take out that sheet and remind yourself that you have surrendered them to the care and protection of the right person, your God and Master. Then, rest in his trustworthiness to care for them.


Devotional Notes :

1. Specific Praise and Prayer

2. As a result of my time with God I believe He wants me to…


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Voices: Silence, Befriending Silence in Therapy. By Bruce W. Knight

Intimate Time with God - Introduction

Intimate Time with God - Introduction