Comprehensive Sex and Porn Addiction Recovery


Partner Intensives-TBA

Any addiction involves complex issues and is not merely a matter of will to change. In order to experience freedom and lasting change, a comprehensive approach is necessary. Our protocol also addresses core attachment(bonding) needs, which may not have been addressed since  childhood.  Sex-porn addiction is unique in that all the ingredients one needs to fuel it are in the brain. Our treatment protocol addresses the behavior, the thinking processes, underlying attachment needs, and spiritual healing.

Scholarship Fund

For those who are committed to get help and have verifiable financial needs, members of the recovery community have anonymously provided financial assistance in the form of a Scholarship Fund. Clients are asked to provide financial information to verify their financial need. Then, based on income, the client will pay a certain percentage of the total per session cost, while the scholarship fund covers the rest for an 8 week period. Then, the level of commitment to the program is assessed. If it is determined that the client is committed, then, another 8 week period will be supported by the scholarship. An example: A client is eligible based on income of $40,000 per year. The client pays $50 per session. Grace Healing Journey reduces the session fee from $130 to $100 per session for 8 sessions in concert with the Scholarship fund covering $50 per session.

Individual Treatment

The addict begins individual treatment in the context of a nonjudgmental and accepting atmosphere with his/her therapist. The primary goals are first to establish and maintain consistent sobriety. The next is to create a robust recovery lifestyle. The third and longer term is to do the critical work of attachment repair- creating positive strategies for connecting with significant others. These together will create the greatest likelihood of long term successful recovery.

There are two tracts for men’s groups. The first is a faith friendly group that integrates the task model of sex addiction recovery with attachment repair and spiritual formation. The second tract includes all of the above but is specifically integrated from a Judeo-Christian framework that is Biblically sound and theologically conservative.

  • Format: deep breathing/relaxation exercise,
    pscho-educational exercise, FACE time/ Check-in, Feelings-Accountability-Current Stressors-Encouragement

  • Focus: Our focus is to impact behavior, thought processes, emotional awareness and regulation, relational connection, and spiritual transformation.

  • Materials: Facing the Shadows, authored by Patrick Carnes. Shadows of the Cross , co authored by Craig S. Cashwell, Pennie K. Johnson, and Patrick Carnes.

The spouse/partner has experienced her/his on private corner of hell in a tornado of betrayal, relational trauma, and a rollercoaster of emotions. Goals in working with partners are to first create an atmosphere of safety and trust with the therapist in order to be able to reclaim a sense of control of one’s life. Another significant goal is to be able to establish healthy boundaries and a strong safe support system. A third very important goal is to work toward attachment repair in creating?  Sensitive strategies for connecting well with close others.

This group is also faith friendly, compassionate, empathetic, emotionally attuned to the client’s emotional rollercoaster, and is robustly grounding. It also follows the Carne’s trauma based recovery for partners and integrates attachment repair and healthy affect regulation. Once stability is attained clients develop healthy boundaries in all areas: non-negotiable boundaries for the relationship, physical, emotional, relational, sexual, and spiritual boundaries. Group consists of experiential exercises, check ins, and psycho education, as well as group processing. Materials:Facing Heartbreak-Stefanie Carnes and Intimate Treason-Claudia Black and Cara Tripodi.

Our groups are a reflection of our overall philosophy of therapy practice. No one heals in isolation, but rather most complete, most comprehensive, most lasting healing and transformation occur in the context of an accepting, supportive, truthful community. This is true regardless of whether we are addressing men’s issues, women’s issues, couple’s issues, addictive behavior, betrayal and trauma, the development of healthy sexuality, or the healing of spiritual wounds. Each group integrates recovery principles, attachment bond repair, and spiritual formation.

Couples Recovery

Once couples have begun individual therapy, there is an early periodic “couple’s check in conducted as conjoint therapy (where the addict, spouse, and each couple’s therapist all work together in session to assess where they are in relationship with self and one another. Periodically, throughout the course of individual therapy, at certain key points in recovery, couple’s continue couple therapy as a check in until the individual work is complete and the couple transitions into full  relationship repair couple’s therapy

Couples Group
This is a particular group , by invitation only, when the individuals in relationship have progressed to such a recovery point where they are each ready to change the primary focus from sobriety to relationship building and reclaiming healthy sexuality.  It is a 10 week intensive couples’ group with 4 -5 couples and includes significant work at home. Our foundational resource is the attachment material of Milan and Kay Yerchovick, How We Love Sex..Or Don’t.

Male Addict Intensives -TBA

These four and a half day intensives combine the best empirically based sex addiction treatment protocol (Carnes Task Model), attachment repair (how we bond/love), and integrated spirituality. The participant will experience a grace-filled welcome, where the atmosphere is rich with acceptance, positive accountability, practical knowledge of sex addiction recovery and the beginning of learning how to connect and get attachment needs met  in more effective healthy ways. These intensives also address transition from addictive sexuality to healthy sexuality and begin to create a climate for deeper more effective partner empathy. In addition to picking up practical skills for sex addiction recovery participants will also discover a new world of relationship building dynamics with self, significant others, and God. These intensives occur a number of times throughout the year. Check our Intensive Link for details.